Take advantage of government funding programs to digitally transform your company.
transform. Benefit from financial subsidies and
tap into new potential for sustainable growth.
Let us advise you and get started today.
Digital funding
We can advise you on funding.
Your company
is now going digital.
Current funding from
WKO, FWF, FFG & aws
KMU.Digital (aws)
KMU.Digital & Green (aws)
AI Mission Austria (aws / FFG / FWF)
AI Start (aws / FFG / FWF)
Ai Adoption (aws / FFG / FWF)
AI Knowledge (aws / FFG / FWF)
Cultural heritage digital (Federal Ministry of Culture)
digital.tirol (Tyrol)
Lighthouse projects (Tyrol)
Wien Digital (Vienna)
Digi-Start (Salzburg)
Digi-Commerce (Salzburg)
Digi-Invest (Salzburg)
* Subsidies and funding periods as at 2024
Products, processes & services in digitalization
Can your digital project be financially supported by subsidies? Yes, absolutely.
We support you from the initial idea through to a successful digital project. We outline and design your digitalization project together with our partner – a funding specialist.
Foerder-Manager.at will take care of all the necessary steps, submit the funding application and start your project once it has been approved.
Cost overview
Platform development
What costs should you calculate for a platform project ?
Depending on the size of the project, an average digital platform costs between EUR 35,000 and EUR 125,000 (excl. VAT) in the initial development phase. A well-designed platform is a valuable asset and helps your company make sustainable progress.
With the appropriate digital funding, however, you will receive a percentage of the sum back, e.g. 30%, 50% or even 85% with Kulturerbe digital.
Cultural heritage digital
Digital archiving
for museums
Digital archiving
We develop digital platforms for museums to make their entire collection accessible to a broad national and international public.
Our platforms are used by museums, art and cultural institutions to digitally record and catalog collection objects in order to present them to a broad public.